Karate is not only fun it also provides many important benefits to young people. These benefits are referred to in Japanese as chiiku (mental development), tokuiku (moral development) and taiiku (physical development). These are the same three classes of personal development found in traditional educational systems.

In terms of chiiku karate helps create awareness, focus, clear thinking and decisiveness. Interaction with fellow students builds confidence, develops self-control and courtesy all of which will aid a karateka in every endeavor he/she undertakes in life (tokuiku). Of course karate is good for the body (taiilu). Physically it is an excellent exercise regimen that promotes cardio fitness and makes the body less susceptible to sickness and injury.

In all these ways karate is profoundly helpful to young people in dealing with the many challenges facing them in today’s world. It brings them balance and perspective at an age when these qualities are needed most. It adds a strong foundation to their character.